Dear All,
I write to advise you of the Trustee Board’s newly adopted policy in respect of grants and loans.
We are introducing an application form. This can be found on the district website, select members, then adult resources. The Trustee Board will be considering grant applications each year at its March and September meetings each year.
The Board meets on the third or fourth Monday of the month bi-monthly.
Application forms must be submitted as directed on the form by the 1st March for consideration at the March meeting and by the 1st September for consideration at the September meeting. Late applications will not be considered.
In terms of criteria historically the Trustee Board (previously District Executive) has taken a practical and flexible approach to supporting applications and we welcome applications from sections, groups, individuals to support the aims and objectives of Scouting and such activities whether that be to support attendance on a foreign trip for example or for the fabric of a Scout HQ for example a grant or loan for a new roof. Each application will be considered on its merits.
UPDATE at 28 Feb 2024:
I should make it perfectly clear to everyone that having said in December it would be March and September we will consider applications, we will accept applications for this March’s meeting.
Moving forwards for the financial year 24-25, it will be September and January.
Kind Regards,
Marcus J. Hart
Wyre Forest Scouts - District Chairman