News and Blogs

District Themed Camp 2024 - Cubs Plan
By Ben Pedley

District camp

Draft programme for now, timings not yet confirmed:

Friday night - Campfire

Saturday breakfast - own groups provide

Saturday AM - bases/inflatables

Saturday lunch - own groups provide

Saturday pm - bases/inflatables

Saturday tea - BBQ provided

Saturday evening - talent show - idea is for individual WF sections to put on group performances rather than slots of individual performances

Sunday breakfast - own groups provide

Sunday AM - Costume parade for musical chosen & awards ceremony

12 noon home


For the bases on Saturday, these will be ran by groups and we are looking for an activity to last around 15/20 minutes. Suggestions so far are puppets, masks, learn snag & dance routine but we are happy for groups to plan a completely different activity, as long as it's Theatre themed! There will be a budget from District of £25 that you can claim back but anything more spent will be at the groups discretion. The aim is for the Beaver & Cubs bases to be the same so less stress for the groups.


Cost for the attendance of the camp have been confirmed as £35 per child, payable by May DLM - For Cub Groups, please send this into the account detailed below - Other sections please contact your ADC.


Account Name: Wyre Forest Scouts

Sort Code: 30-94-70

Account Number: 02158761


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