Scout / Explorer Section Meeting Minutes 4/3/25
29th March - Jersey getting to know you day - Rhydd
Explorers Monopoly run - good feedback, plan to go again next year 6th - 8th March. Mike to investigate upping capacity to 100.
Six summits - Nantmoor training Ian possibly has few spaces available for explorers, speak to Ian for details
St Georges - Parking drop off not on new road. Drop off elsewhere and walk to new road.
County Scout / Explorer camp - 13th - 15th June - Options to buddy up with another group maybe (
Belgium - Few spaces available for young people - Oct half term - Speak to Ryan.
Scout C4 challenge - 24th sept - Teams of 4 - 6 (7 if you only have 7 scouts) - Need to provide and run one base per team entered - Scoring via phones as previous years
Possible scout cooking competition 29th June
World scout jamboree selection camp 26-28th sept - possible date not yet confirmed
Explorer shooting competition possibly early September - Ian to look for possible dates
Explorers Camp Cockerel - Normally 3rd Weekend in November - Awaiting conifmation of dates
Scouts Bald eagle - 10-12th oct
Scout / Explorer Swimming gala aim for date in 2026
Yours in Scouting
Mark "Mike" Atkinson
Section Leader