The first bit of good news from me has come from the census data. We have grown just a smidge over 3% over the last 12 months, Explorer numbers are at their highest ever. In terms of numbers, we are still 2nd largest in H&W. We do however have the most groups and sections.
Quick Review
DofE Launch – Well supported meeting, we already have 4 Young people signed up to the scheme with more joining later. This year we will be joining Redditch district for the expedition aspects with a view to offering our own in Wyre Forest in the next 12 months or so. Thank you to Lauren Wheeldon for organizing this, and please get intouch with her if you want any more information
Cub Founders day – More in Section meeting but another great day, almost 100 cubs had fun doing all manner of Scouting Skills bases and the weather was relatively kind.
District Gangshow – 14th – 16th March (More details from MA)
Scouts and Explorers Trip to Ypres – 2 Spaces, more in section meeting.
Jersey – Full
PLOD – Long way away (or so it seems) looking to step down, anyone willing to take it on should see me. Its really easy, honest.
St Georges Day
27th April.
WF14 to lead this year, Same arrangements as previous years. Parade to the harriers. We are requesting this year please that groups arrange their drop off AWAY from New Road and walk their sections in. Far to many parents dropping off last minute with lots of children around.
As ever we do need Marshalls, I know Kathy has asked the groups already but please keep it in mind and forward any interested names to Kathy ASAP. Parade briefing will be Friday Evening this year
Safety and Safeguarding
Reminder that you should all have the QR code for reporting incidents and near misses.
County have created a poster for display and use in meeting places and first aid kits. Please follow these steps:
Print and Laminate
Attach to First Aid Kits: Securely attach the laminated form to the outside of all first aid bags and boxes used within your group.
Pin a copy to your meeting place wall
Include: in all documents for events and camps
Download the Poster File Here
Young Leaders
YL Training Programme - September 25
Sundays, The Training Hub, Lickhill Road, Stourport
9th March
First Aid Masterclass Invitation only
9.30 - 4.00
23rd March
Prepare for Take-off
10.00 - 12.00
28th March
What did they Say
19:00 – 21:00
6th April
Accessible to All
10.00 - 12.00
4th May
Prepare for Take-off
10.00 -12.00
18th May
That's the Way to do It
10.00 - 12.00
8th June
Taking the Lead
10.00 - 12.00
22nd June
Understanding Behaviour
10.00 - 12.00
13th July
Prepare for Take-off
10.00 - 12.00
21st September
Prepare for Take-off
10.00 - 12.00
Game On
12.30 - 2.30
19th October
Communicate It!
10.00 - 12.00
(F Mod K, or for 2 modules on the same day, please bring a packed lunch)
Transformation (me)
Permits – Please Email, or text or anything else to let me know you are putting permits through. Currently we get no notification that there is any pending approval so they could be sat there for ages without knowledge.
Training- Check mandatory training, particularly if you did it close to the shutdown. Many peoples haven’t migrated as there seemed to be a top secret training cut off date. HQ WILL insist that it done again and you could risk suspension if you didn’t realise.
New Safety module to be done by everyone before July (for those that haven’t done it yet)
Log in – Check all your information. All training will be at least started online so you will need to get in there at some point.
NAN forms – Still use the county system please, as mentioned above membership isn’t giving notifications until it’s too later
County Dates
Shirehike - Saturday 22nd March 2025, Malvern
Costa Rica Trip - April 2025
County Squirrel Day - Sunday 11th May 2025
County Scout Camp - June 2025
Explorers 'Social Camp' - June 2025
Canada trip (Scouts and Explorers) - Summer 2026