News and Blogs

Blog | District Musicals Camp (Younger Sections) - Risk
By Julie Goodyear
Since the Great Orme report, Scout HQ have been issuing multiple new processes, including firm instructions about parents neeing to know about activities before they give informed consent.  
So this page / blog is really aimed at parents, not leaders, who have already had this drilled in  at every meeting for the last month.  
Leaders will receive them shortly and will be publishing them on their Group or Section Facebook pages and the Group Websites.  This page is for those Groups who do not have a reliable and familiar  communication system for their parents, to enable them to have access to the RAs.  OSM is of course ideal for this purpose, and that was the original plan,
So these are the ones for the bases, and the catering. The site Critical Incident Plan will be sent to leaders only.  The inflatables RA will be available prior to the event.
As soon as other risk assesments are available they will be posted here. For leaders, please refer to the members part of this website, log in and you will see the RA's added there


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